Merrill, L., T.M. Jones, J.D. Brawn, & M.P. Ward. (2021). Early-life patterns of growth are linked to levels of phenotypic trait covariance and postfledging mortality across avian species. Ecology and Evolution,11:15695-15707 2020 Merrill, L., E.A. Ospina, R.M. Santymire, &T.J. Benson. (2020) Egg incubation temperature affect development of innate immune function in nestling American robins (Turdus migratorius). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 93:1-12 2019 Merrill, L., T.E. Stewart Merrill, A.M. Barger, & T.J. Benson. (2019) Avian health across the landscape: nestling immunity covaries with changing landcover. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 59:1150-1164 Stewart Merrill, T.E., S.R. Hall, L. Merrill, & C. E. Caceres. (2019) Variation in immune defense shapes disease outcomes in laboratory and wild Daphnia. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 59:1203-1219 Merrill, L., S.J. Chiavacci, R.T. Paitz, & T.J. Benson. (2019) Quantification of 27 yolk steroid hormones in seven shrubland bird species: interspecific patterns of hormone deposition, and links to life history, development, and predation risk. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 97:1-12 Jones, T.M., L. Merrill, S.E. Zachar, J.D. Brawn, & M.P. Ward. (2019) Haemosporidian parasite infections in the Dickcissel (Spiza americana): Prevalence and costs. Journal of Parasitology, 105:232-236 Gibson, J.C., A.V. Suarez, D. Qazi*, T.J. Benson, S.J. Chiavacci, & L. Merrill. (2019) Prevalence and consequences of ants and other arthropods in active nests of Midwestern birds. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 97:696-704 2018 Merrill, L., & J.L. Grindstaff. (2018) Early-life stress strengthens trait covariance: a plastic response that results in reduced flexibility. American Naturalist, 192:593-604 Merrill, L., J.M. Levengood, J.C. England, J.M. Osborn, & H.M. Hagy. (2018) Blood parasite infection linked to condition in spring-migrating Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 96:1145-1152 Ospina*, E., L. Merrill, & T.J. Benson. (2018) Incubation temperature impacts growth and total nest mortality in an open-cup-nesting bird. Ecology & Evolution, 8:3270-3279 2017 Merrill, L. (2017) Unique preening behavior may use light and heat to facilitate ectoparasite removal in green herons (Butorides virescens). Ecology, 99:494-496 Merrill, L., M.F. Naylor, M. Dalimonte*, S. McLaughlin*, T.E. Stewart, & J.L. Grindstaff. (2017) Early-life immune activation increases song complexity and alters phenotypic associations between sexual ornaments. Functional Ecology, 31:2263-2273 Merrill, L., S.J. Chiavacci, R.T. Paitz, & T.J. Benson. (2017) Rates of parasitism, but not allocation of egg resources, vary among and within hosts of a generalist avian brood parasite. Oecologia, 184:399-410 Peer, B.D., J.W. Rivers, L. Merrill, S.K. Robinson, & S.I. Rothstein. (2017) The Brown-Headed Cowbird: A Model Species for Testing Novel Questions in Animal Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior. In: Soler M. (eds) Avian Brood Parasitism. Fascinating Life Sciences. Springer, Cham, Switzerland Grindstaff, J.L. & L. Merrill. (2017) Developmental corticosterone treatment does not program immune responses in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Journal of Experimental Zoology-A, 327:362-372 Merrill, L. (2017) Novel terrestrial foraging behavior in the Pied-billed Grebe (Podilymbus podiceps). Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 129:416-17 Ellis, V.A., M.D. Collins, M.C.I. Medeiros, E.H.R. Sari, E.D. Coffey, R.C. Dickerson, M. Joyce, C. Lugarini, J.A. Stratford, D.R. Henry, L. Merrill, A. Matthews, A. Hanson, J. Roberts, M.R. Kunkel, & R.E. Ricklefs. (2017) Parasite prevalence is positively related to the relative abundance of host species at multiple sites within a region. Parasitology Research, 116: 73-80 2016 Merrill, L., E.M. Baehl*, K.E. Ripple, & T.J. 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(2015) Host sex and parasitism in red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus): examining potential causes of infection biases in a sexually dimorphic species. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 93:21-29 2014 Merrill, L. & J.L. Grindstaff. (2014) Maternal antibody transfer can lead to suppression of humoral immunity in developing zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 87: 740-751 Merrill, L. (2014) Chelydra serpentina (Snapping Turtle). Ritualized aggressive behavior. Herpetological Review, 45: 686 Merrill, L., S.D. Levinson,* A.L. O’Loghlen, J.C. Wingfield, & S.I. Rothstein. (2014) Bactericidal capacity is negatively linked to epaulet size, but positively linked to baseline corticosterone in male Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus). The Auk, 131: 3-11 2013 Merrill, L., A.L. O’Loghlen, J.C. Wingfield, & S.I. Rothstein. (2013) Linking a static signal to current condition: song repertoire size, corticosterone and immunity in the Brown-headed Cowbird. Condor, 115: 434-441 Gonzalez-Gomez, P.L., L. Merrill, C. Venegas, J.I. Pantoja, R. Vasquez, V.A. Ellis, & J.C. Wingfield. (2013) Breaking down seasonality: androgen modulation and stress response in a highly stable environment. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 191: 1-12 O’Loghlen, A.L., L. Merrill, & S.I. Rothstein. (2013) Fidelity of song imitation and stability of dialect songs in Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Condor, 115:677-686 Merrill, L., A.L. O’Loghlen, J.C. Wingfield, & S.I. Rothstein. (2013) Immune function in an avian brood parasite and its non-parasitic relative. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 86: 61-72 2012 Merrill, L., F. Angelier, A.L. O’Loghlen, S.I. Rothstein, & J.C. Wingfield. (2012) Sex-specific variation in Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) immunity following acute stress: a mechanistic approach. Oecologia, 170: 25-38 Ellis, V.A.,* L. Merrill, S.I. Rothstein, A.L. O’Loghlen, & J.C. Wingfield. (2012) Physiological consequences of molt in Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater). The Auk, 129: 231-238 2011 O’Loghlen, A.L., V.A. Ellis,* D. Zaratzian*, L. Merrill, & S.I. Rothstein. (2011) Cultural evolution and long term song stability in a dialect population of Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Condor, 113: 449-461 |