This wildlife photography workshop is for advanced beginners through experienced photographers. The 1.5-day course will provide instruction and opportunities designed to help you capture wildlife images that tell compelling stories.
The objective for this workshop is to provide you with the tools-- both conceptual and technical-- to improve your wildlife photography. Our subject for the workshop will be the flurry of bird activity associated with the spring alewife run. Typically squeezed into a few short weeks, the alewife run is an annual rite of spring that occurs when large schools of these medium-sized fish swim up coastal streams and rivers, returning from the ocean to breed in freshwater ponds and lakes. These runs attract a lot of avian attention— including gulls, cormorants, herons, osprey and eagles— and provide opportunities to work on a range of scenes: birds diving into the water, in flight, fighting over fish, etc. There will also be opportunities to work on more creative images, such as long-exposure shots of herons standing by rushing water and high-key images of birds surrounded by white-water rapids. The workshop will combine classroom time with field time while emphasizing hands-on learning. Classroom time will be split into two sessions: an introductory session the first afternoon (covering conceptual ideas and approaches to wildlife photography, along with a discussion of shooting techniques), and an image review and editing session mid-day on the second day. Field time will be split into three sessions: an afternoon/evening shoot on the first day, followed by a morning shoot and an afternoon shoot on the second day. There will be breaks for meals and a little bit of downtime following the morning shoot of the second day. Two workshops in 2025: May 18-19 & May 20-21. For more details about the workshop and to sign-up for a spot in one of them, click here, or on the Down East Adventures logo above to visit the site. |
This bird-centered photography workshop is for advanced beginners through experienced photographers. The 1-day course will provide in-the-field instruction and opportunities designed to help you capture exciting bird images, and the 1.5-day course will additionally focus on how to tell compelling stories through photography. In both, the focus will be on migrating shorebirds, but we should also have opportunities to work with other groups as well, including terns, swallows, and warblers, among others.
Our subjects for these workshops will be birds found in Southern Maine’s coastal zone during the spring. This includes an array of shorebirds, terns, gulls, and migrating passerines. We will be shooting at a few different beaches, and-- depending on weather and avian activity levels-- we will likely visit a few terrestrial areas to work with warblers, vireos, thrushes, and other woodland birds. This will allow us to work on shooting under different environmental conditions and with very different subjects: shorebirds foraging on the beach, birds-in-flight, terns diving for fish, songbirds in a multi-dimensional environment, etc. Late May is an excellent time to be photographing birds in Maine: most birds will be in their full breeding plumage, and there will be opportunities to capture birds in and among some of the spring flowers. Locally breeding birds will be engaging in courtship behaviors and territorial defenses, both of which can provide exciting content. 1-Day Workshop-May 30 The objective for this 1-day workshop is to provide you with opportunities to capture some compelling images of birds in their natural environments. This workshop will be more of a photo-safari, in which Loren will take participants to some of his favorite locations for photographing birds in Southern Maine. The workshop will be entirely field-oriented with Loren providing one-on-one instruction while out in the field. 1.5-Day Workshop-May 29-30 The objective for this 1.5 day workshop is to provide you with the tools, both conceptual and technical, to improve your bird photography. The workshop will combine classroom time with field time emphasizing hands-on learning. Classroom time will be split into two sessions: an introductory session the first afternoon (covering conceptual ideas and approaches to wildlife photography with a discussion of shooting techniques) and an image review and editing session mid-day on the second day. Field time will be split into three sessions: an afternoon/evening shoot on the first day and then a morning shoot and a late afternoon shoot on the second day. There will be breaks for meals and a little bit of downtime following the morning shoot of the second day. One workshop in 2025: May 29-30 (available as either a 1.5 day workshop or 1 day only in the field). For more details about the workshop and to sign-up for a spot in one of them, click here, or on the Down East Adventures logo above to visit the site. |
This bird-centered photography workshop is for advanced beginners through experienced photographers. The 1-day course will provide in-the-field instruction and opportunities designed to help you capture exciting bird images, and the 1.5-day course will additionally focus on how to tell compelling stories through photography. In both, the bird focus will be on the summer resident shorebirds and a host of terrestrial species getting ready for the breeding season.
The objective for this workshop is to provide you with the tools, both conceptual and technical, to improve your bird photography. Our subjects for the workshop will be birds found in Southern Maine’s coastal zone during the late-summer period. The emphasis will be on the shorebirds migrating through Maine, but there should be plenty of other avian activity, including summer-resident terns, and some early passerine migrants. We will be shooting at a few different beaches and depending on weather and avian activity levels, we may visit a few terrestrial areas to work with warblers, vireos, and swallows, among others. This will allow us to work on shooting under different environmental conditions, and with very different subjects: shorebirds foraging on the beach, birds-in-flight, terns diving for fish, swallows foraging for insects on a pond, songbirds in a multi-dimensional environment, etc. Mid-late August is an excellent time to be photographing birds in Maine: shorebirds are present in good numbers on the beaches as they fuel up for their journey south; Common, Least, and the occasional Roseate tern can be found foraging in the nearshore waters; swallows begin congregating in large numbers and can be found in flocks of more than 1,000 birds; and raptors begin showing up on the coast looking for shorebirds and other migrants. 1-Day Workshop-August 19 The objective for this 1-day workshop is to provide you with opportunities to capture some compelling images of birds. This workshop will be more of a photo-safari, in which Loren will take participants to some of his favorite locations for photographing birds in Southern Maine. The workshop will be entirely field-oriented with Loren providing one-on-one instruction while out in the field. We will meet early (about 6:30am) at a predetermined location in Biddeford and will go from there. There will be breaks for meals and snacks, which participants should bring with them (although folks will have time to grab lunch if they don’t want to bring one). We will have informal group discussions during snacks and lunch about the challenges and break-throughs people have experienced during the day. The workshop will wrap up around 4pm. 1.5-Day Workshop-August 18-19 The objective for this 1.5 day workshop is to provide you with the tools, both conceptual and technical, to improve your bird photography. The workshop will combine classroom time with field time emphasizing hands-on learning. Classroom time will be split into two sessions: an introductory session the first afternoon (covering conceptual ideas and approaches to wildlife photography with a discussion of shooting techniques) and an image review and editing session mid-day on the second day. Field time will be split into three sessions: an afternoon/evening shoot on the first day and then a morning shoot and a late afternoon shoot on the second day. There will be breaks for meals and a little bit of downtime following the morning shoot of the second day. One workshop in 2025: August 18-19 (available as either a 1.5 day workshop or 1 day only in the field). For more details about the workshop and to sign-up for a spot in one of them, click here, or on the Down East Adventures logo above to visit the site. |